About Us


Leeds Women’s Aid is an independent charity based in Leeds, providing outstanding services to women and children affected by Domestic Violence & Abuse (DV&A). We believe all women and children should live in safety, free from abuse and fear.

Formed in 1972, Leeds Women’s Aid is now the largest women’s charity in Leeds. Visit Our History to see a timeline of our work.

Our team is made up of passionate and driven women who bring decades of expertise to deliver outstanding survivor-centered services. If you’re interested in working with us, you can check out our Current Vacancies.
Click the links below to learn more about us.

Our Values & Beliefs

At Leeds Women’s Aid, we do what we do because we believe:

All women & children should live in safety, free from abuse & fear.
Every woman & child has a voice & should be empowered, inspired & listened to.
Women centred support is powerful & improves the lives of women, men & children.

Our Five Values:

Be Exceptional

We are experts in our field & proud of having a women-centred approach.

We are pioneers & leaders, striving to perform & innovate.

Be Inclusive

We are diverse, welcoming, approachable & inclusive in our approach as employers, service providers & people.

We promote unity, fairness & respect.

Be Courageous

We are honest, inventive & have the integrity to challenge perceptions & practice.

We are encouraging & empowering of each other to be courageous & brave.

Be Inspirational

We are proud of our creativity & how we motivate, listen, empower & support each other.

We are encouraging & lead by example to achieve the best.

Be Responsive

We are collaborative, aware, compassionate & sensitive.

We adapt our approach to meet changing needs.

What We Do

We provide a range of outstanding services for vulnerable women and families who are victims and survivors of: domestic, sexual & honour-based violence and abuse; forced marriage; trafficking; stalking and harassment.

Our services include a 24/7 telephone helpline, webchat, emergency refuge accommodation, discreet drop-in services, healthy relationship programmes, legal support and advocacy and specialised support for children and young people.

Visit Get Support for more information about which service is right for you or call our 24hr helpline on 0113 246 0401.

 To read Leeds Women’s Aid’s 2023-2026 organisational strategy, click here.

female hugging inside and purple heart

Leeds Women’s Aid is the lead agency for the following two consortiums:

leeds domestic violence service

Leeds Domestic Violence Service

Leeds Domestic Violence Service (LDVS) is contracted by Leeds City Council to provide all community and accommodation-based support for families and individuals affected by DV&A.

women and girls alliance leeds

Women & Girls Alliance Leeds

Women & Girls Alliance Leeds is funded by Big Lottery and is a partnership of 12 organisations that provide support and services for women and girls in Leeds. It works to promote the safety of women and provides opportunities for them to influence services and create positive change.

Visit Our Partners to learn more.

Who We Support

We support women and children predominantly from Leeds and the Yorkshire and Humber region who have experienced DV&A, but also often works with women from across the UK when safety issues arise.

In leading the LDVS contract, LWA also offers services to men and the trans community and works to reduce barriers to support for LGBT+ people. Visit Equality and Diversity to learn about how we support minoritised groups.

Our Charity Shop


Our Charity Shop

We very proud to run a successful charity shop in Leeds which raises funds for our domestic violence and abuse services.

To learn more about the shop including donations and volunteering information, visit Charity Shop.

Our Ambassador

In 2023, House of Coco’s founder and editor, Laura Bartlett, became Leeds Women’s Aid’s first ever ambassador.

Laura represents Leeds Women’s Aid in public events and through her online presence, drawing her own experiences to raise the profile of the charity and our vital services. Laura is passionate about empowering new audiences to understand different forms of domestic abuse such as coercive control and economic abuse, and encouraging them to seek support.


“It is a real honour to be the first Leeds Women’s Aid Ambassador, I have immense admiration for the work that the team does and I think that the service they provide is one of the most important in my hometown of Leeds.
I look forward to spreading the word of the work that Leeds Women’s Aid does so that women around the city who need a safe space can access it.”

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